Metal powder
SSK offers the right metal powder for every additive manufacturing process. Whether it it for 3D-printing, metal injection molding, laser cladding, plasma spraying or even for PM-Steel production – we deliver metal powder of high quality according to various technical specifications and at short delivery times.
Depending on the application we use different methods of powder production. In any case our customers benefit from the solution given by the right particle size, roundness and homogeneity. We are always up to date and especially with regards to innovative and generative production processes. This enables our engagement on research based on contacts with Universities in Germany and China.
SSK-Metal powder is perfectly designed for the 3D-printing machines we supply in cooperation with Chinas leading manufacturer of printers.
Order your high quality powder in flexible quantities and individual configuration at We are at your disposal at +49 2151 93144-0 oder email us to